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matrescence coaching


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what is matrescense?

Matrescence is the physical, psychological, and emotional changes a woman goes through during her transition from maiden to mama.


Every mother experiences matrescence, but it looks different for every woman and it is never really “over”.

No matter where you are in your mama journey, you have and you are going through matrescence.


noun the physical, psychological, and emotional changes a woman goes through after the birth of her child


what does matrescence Coaching involve?

Matrescence coaching is a specialized type of coaching that is tailored to the unique emotional and physical challenges that women face during their journey through motherhood. It is an empowering and supportive approach that recognizes that every woman's experience of matrescence is different, and therefore requires a personalized approach.


One of the primary goals of matrescence coaching is to help pregnant women and new moms build confidence and empowerment as they navigate the various stages of motherhood. This can involve developing a conscious pregnancy, which means being intentional about the choices you make during your pregnancy and preparing for the birth of your baby.


Matrescence coaching can also help women develop a deep connection to their "spirit baby" or unborn child. This connection can help women tap into their intuition and inner wisdom as they prepare for childbirth and motherhood.


As women transition into motherhood, they may also experience a shift in their identity. Matrescence coaching can help women navigate this change and craft a new identity that aligns with their values and goals.


Ultimately, matrescence coaching is a holistic approach that supports women through every stage of their motherhood journey. It can help women manage stress and anxiety, develop a support network, and find balance between their personal goals and the demands of motherhood.


Navigating the transition into motherhood can be a transformative and sometimes challenging experience. While every woman has the innate power and ability to navigate this transition, having a trusted coach and framework can provide invaluable support and guidance along the way.


Through personalized coaching, you can gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of the changes you are experiencing and develop the tools and strategies you need to navigate this transition with grace and ease. Whether you're struggling with the physical demands of pregnancy, adjusting to the demands of motherhood, or seeking to redefine your identity as a mother, a matrescence coach can help.


With a holistic approach that encompasses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of motherhood, you can develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-compassion as you move through this transformation. You'll learn how to honor your unique journey and build a support network that can help you thrive as a mother.

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So if you're a mom or pregnant woman seeking to embrace the transformative journey of motherhood with grace and intention, consider working with a matrescence coach. With personalized support and guidance, you can unlock your full potential and embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood with confidence and empowerment.



“Becoming a mother leaves no woman as it found her.

It unravels her and rebuilds her.

It cracks her open, takes her to her edges.

It’s both beautiful and brutal; often at the same time” 

close your eyes and imagine with me the woman and mama that matrescence coaching can help you become...



Although you may encounter moments of fear and anxiety, you empower yourself through the foundation of courage and sovereignty you have built. When fear arises, instead of trying to avoid it, you lean into it and embrace it. You may have relied on coping mechanisms during your younger years, but now you recognize that fear can serve a purpose in your life when you learn to transform it into power.


By doing so, you walk through life with confidence, free from the patterns of fear that may have held you back in the past. You also have the opportunity to release your children from these same patterns and teach them to embrace fear as a tool for growth and self-discovery. Remember, fear can be a powerful motivator when harnessed correctly, and it is possible to cultivate the skills and mindset needed to transform it into a positive force in your life.


You have learned to love yourself completely, even the parts you may have tried to hide before. Through the inner strength you have cultivated, you can now tackle any obstacle that comes your way with grace and acceptance, knowing that you are enough. You understand that modern motherhood is full of societal expectations that can be overwhelming, but it's okay to fall short at times. Your children learn from your example that they, too, are deserving of unconditional love and self-acceptance, which will empower them to thrive in their own lives.



You may sometimes still struggle with being fully present in the moment. However, with practice and intention, you now wake up each morning feeling grounded and connected to the present. The habits and behaviors that once distracted you from the present, such as constantly checking your phone or overthinking, have faded away.


By staying present, you show up for your children in meaningful ways. Even during challenging moments, you are there for them and help them savor each moment. Choosing to focus on the joys and pleasures of each day brings a sense of fulfillment and contentment to your role as a mother. So, you take the time to ground yourself in the present and enjoy the journey of motherhood.



You have built your ideal support system, which has made all the difference in your motherhood journey. Imagine cultivating a perfect "village" of trusted men and women who are there to lean on and support you. You recognize that independence may not serve you best during this time and happily set aside your ego in order to accept help. Creating a community of support around you has provided the foundation you need to navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with confidence and peace of mind.




It's natural to want to have control over every aspect of your life and your children's lives. However, you now realize that the need for perfectionism can be paralyzing and cause unnecessary stress. Instead of trying to control every outcome, you have released the need for control and have faith in yourself and the Universe that things will work out as they should.


This shift towards a feminine energy of trust serves you greatly as you navigate motherhood. You recognize that your children are not meant to be controlled and you allow yourself to relax into a place of trust. By letting go of attachment to specific outcomes, you can now focus your energy on what you truly need and desire, without getting caught up in the stress of trying to make everything perfect.


You remember that life is a journey and not everything will unfold exactly as you planned. Even still, you trust in yourself and in the Universe to guide you through the ups and downs of motherhood and pregnancy, and you have found a sense of peace and fulfillment that comes with surrendering the need for control.



You may find yourself facing challenging moments with your children that can be overwhelming and stressful. However, cultivating patience in your interactions with them has helped ease these difficult moments. By leaning into the discomfort that these situations cause, rather than feeling like a victim, you have reframed them from a negative perspective to a positive one, allowing you to mother your children with the ease and calm you desire. This shift in mindset has helped you approach challenging situations with more confidence and grace, ultimately improving your relationship with your children and creating a more peaceful environment for your family.

You are now familiar with the profound transformation that comes with the transition into motherhood. This involved shedding old identities and embracing a new sense of self, as you prepared to care for another life.


You now embody the qualities of a mother and feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that you have put in the work to release any old beliefs or behaviors that no longer serve you or your child. Through this process of initiation, you look back on your pre-motherhood self with fondness, while also recognizing the growth and fulfillment that comes with nurturing and raising a child.


As you navigate the challenges and joys of motherhood, you find that you are thriving in unexpected ways. You feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes, as you tap into your innate strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Through this journey, you discover that you are living the life you always dreamed of, with a newfound appreciation for the joys and rewards of being a mom.


the truth

Regardless of our feelings about it, it will be impossible to remain the woman that you were when you conceived your baby into motherhood. If that thought scares you, you are not alone! Many women fear the unknown of motherhood and are uncertain where to begin in preparing for this incredible transformation. Instead, they grasp on as tightly as they can to their maidenhood, longing to ensure they don’t lose themselves along the way. I’m here to encourage and empower you to boldly step into the power of motherhood and release the girl of your maidenhood, while honoring that period of your life for how it got you to this moment.


When you intentionally move through the intricacies of the transition from maiden to mama (especially starting early on in pregnancy), there is capacity for immense healing, growth, and expansion. Aspects of your maiden self that you liked and that served you may no longer be in alignment with motherhood as you are no longer tasked with just “raising” yourself - you are responsible for raising a new little human too. This requires an elevation of the woman of your maidenhood, a 2.0 version of yourself. When you choose to walk the path of motherhood, you must be willing to let go of the old and allow things to die - even cherished parts of yourself. The transformation is deeply meaningful for your own journey, but also the journey of the new soul you are ushering in earthside, which is why it is so important to be mindful of the woman you are becoming.


All of this can feel incredibly heavy if you let it - I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be! It can be joyful, ecstatic, even orgasmic. It can feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders. It can feel blissful to reach a level of mothering your children that most women never attain. It can feel like flow. It can feel like surrender. 


All packages are completely customized based on your unique needs & desires and where you are in your motherhood journey. Book a complimentary consultation above where we can start creating a package to support your needs.

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Becoming a mother is a journey like no other. It's a time of transformation, growth, and self-discovery, but it can also be overwhelming and confusing at times. As a matrescence coach, I know that this journey is not just about physical changes, but also about spiritual growth and mental wellbeing.


That's why I am so excited to offer matrescence coaching, designed to support you every step of the way through your journey to motherhood. Whether you're a mom-to-be or a new mom, I am here to guide you through the challenges and celebrate your triumphs.


One of my clients, Emily, was feeling anxious and unprepared during her pregnancy. She was worried about the changes her body was going through and didn't know how to cope with the stress. Through matrescence coaching, Emily learned to connect with her inner wisdom and trust in her body's ability to create and sustain life. She felt more grounded and centered, and was able to approach motherhood with more confidence and grace.


Another client, Sarah, was struggling to find balance between her new role as a mother and her personal goals and passions. She felt guilty for wanting time for herself and didn't know how to prioritize self-care. With my guidance, Sarah learned to honor her own needs and desires, and to create a lifestyle that supports both her role as a mother and her personal growth.


If you're feeling overwhelmed, confused, or disconnected during your journey to motherhood, I invite you to book a free consultation call with me today. Let's connect and explore how matrescence coaching can support you on your path of spiritual and personal growth. Remember, mama, you are powerful, you are worthy, and you are not alone.

"With the poking and prodding of doctors and the constant unsolicited advice from practically everyone around me about how and what to eat, when and how to sleep, move, what bodily functions to expect and how to handle them, how to breastfeed, how to prepare for sleepless nights, etc., my pregnancy seemed like
one big, cold, medical experiment.

It felt like something violent was happening to me.

Carolyn changed my perspective.

She helped me see my pregnancy as, first and foremost, an incredible spiritual transition. I was becoming a mother. That is a resounding change for a woman."

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