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Dharma Coaching

What is dharma?

Dharma is your soul's purpose, the big reason why you are here. Your dharma is your unique frequency, your energetic signature, your fullest expression, and your highest self rolled into one.


Uncovering your dharma is an adventure! I will be your guide as you discover who you truly are and transform your life so that your outer reality can reflect your inner radiance.


Are you ready to realize your purpose and unearth your visions?


Living your purpose

Are you moving through a big shift this year, especially in your career, personal, and spiritual life?


Are you yearning to find what your purpose is, but feeling overwhelmed with all the options, confused about what path to take, and a bit lost about what it is you're really meant to do?


Are you searching to discover your authentic truth and your highest self to move to your most ecstatic timeline?


Then dharma coaching is for you!

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how i found my dharma

When I became pregnant with my first child, everything changed. I was anticipating the joy of motherhood, but I also found myself reflecting on the legacy I wanted to leave for my family and the world. It was then that I realized my true purpose was much bigger than the conventional success I had been pursuing in the corporate world.


After years of striving to be the best employee and burning myself out in the process, I realized I had been disconnected from my divine feminine energy. It was time to embrace my true self and create a life of balance and fulfillment. Through my journey of self-discovery and rewiring my limiting beliefs, I reconnected with my passions, strengths, and gifts that had always been a part of me.


Now, I'm on a mission to help other women transition from maiden to mama and discover their purpose during this transformative stage of life. As a dharma coach, I can guide you through the process of tapping into your authentic self and finding your own path to fulfillment and joy. Whether you're a new mom or a seasoned one, I believe every woman has the potential to create a life of bliss and purpose, and I'm here to help you achieve that.

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what happens when you live your dharma?


Learn to trust your gut + your divine intuition. Together, we will explore how you can begin to trust your intuition and tap into the knowing that lives within.



Fine tune your senses to the Universe around you. Find a balance to life, spirituality, and work. When all is in alignment we can begin living a life of harmony.


Come back to your body + embrace the skin you're in. Find the drive to pursue your dharma + embody your purpose. Put action to the manifestation of your dreams.






Find that voice, that movement, or that connection that you've been missing through Expression. Here to help you live your truth and share it with others. 


Channel a life of abundance + manifestation. Work with the divine to call whatever is meant to help you live your highest purpose.


Tap into the innate wisdom of the collective. Adopt a deeper knowing of your life's purpose and what you came here to do.


Your dreams are dreaming you back

What that means is you will never have an idea you don't have the ability to bring to life. That idea chose you as its ideal messenger because you are the perfect person to bring it to reality. However, that doesn't mean it's going to happen instantly or easily.


As a dharma coach, my process and unique framework will help you remember your soul's purpose, overcome obstacles keeping you from bringing your vision to reality, and start embodying your dharma.


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"I cannot recommend
Carolyn highly enough or to enough women. Her skill as a physical, emotional, and spiritual guide is unique and hugely beneficial.
More women need this experience."

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